Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Good | Part 2

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image05 Sep 2023

AI explores the potential of AI to usher in a new period of prosperity and break-throughs on almost every front of knowledge. Dissident voices, however, focus on the potential harms made possible with the development and application of AI.  Finally, at the far extreme, are those who warn that AI poses a threat so great to humanity that it may spell our doom or enslavement as machine intelligence comes to dominate human intelligence.

The Good
Many experts proclaim that AI will be a major game changer for almost all areas of human activity.  These experts see it largely as a force for good.  This is seen in quotations like the following:
"I imagine a world in which AI is going to make us work more productively, live longer, and have cleaner energy." -Fei-Fei Li, Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University
"Machine learning allows us to build software solutions that exceed human understanding and shows us how AI can innervate every industry." -Steve Jurvetson, Board Member of SpaceX and Tesla
“Artificial intelligence is one of the most profound things we're working on as humanity. It is more profound than fire or electricity.”Sundar Pichai, 2020
Below are examples of ‘good’ or useful applications of AI from specific industries and areas of human activity where AI is already having a significant impact.
New Age of Employment
There is considerable debate about the impact of AI on employment.  Most authorities argue that, as we have seen with other advances in technology, AI will result in the loss of jobs in some areas, but it will also create new jobs in many others.  In many industries, it won’t be so much the case that AI takes over a particular job, but rather it will augment or support humans in making their work more efficient and/or effective.For policy makers, the challenge will be to address the needs of those people and regions where AI results in a loss of employment.  At the same time governments must support the advancement of the new technology in order to reap the rewards of innovation.
Creating new jobs and providing the training/education to equip people to fill them will present a major challenge for workplaces as well as education institutions.  Indeed, it has been estimated that AI developments will require billions of workers worldwide to master the new skills required to take advantage of AI.  These developments will have major and widespread impacts on the workforce, 
especially for such areas as customer service, technical writers, data entry clerks and all involved in information services, data collection and AI applications.
In preparing for these changes, education systems, career counsellors, labour planners and others need to consider what skills are required to take advantage of the expansion of AI and what traditional occupations are most at risk.  It is also important to be mindful of what human attributes are least likely to be impacted by AI.
Education systems and their students and teachers must take note of these shifts and adapt accordingly. The types of jobs most likely at risk are those that are repetitive, sequential, and/or subject to a set of ‘if-then’ rules—even if those ‘rules’ are quite sophisticated.
Some of the jobs least likely to be threatened by AI are roles which require imagination, creativity, empath, compassion, cultural/social intelligence, as well as those requiring significant physical dexterity. A study by McKinsey found that the adoption of AI could 30% of the American workforce. A Goldman Sachs study found that several industries had relatively little exposure to automation by AI technologies, including cleaning; installation, maintenance and repair; construction and extraction; production; and transportation moving. Each had over half of their tasks viewed as not being automatable with AI largely serving as a complementary tool for the remainder of those tasks.

We are already seeing that artificial intelligence has the capacity to help businesses improve their processes to make them more efficient.  AI can enable existing employees to be more productive.  In other areas AI combined with robotics can reduce labour costs as robots will make fewer mistakes and can work 24/7 and every day of the week.  Empowered by AI, businesses of all kinds will be able to work smarter and achieve higher quality in the delivery of goods and services.  For smaller countries and those who have lost their manufacturing base because of the cost of labour, AI robotics will mean the return of manufacturing and industries that have been shipped overseas.
An example of one the areas already heavily impacted by technology is that of customer service agents in all sorts of industries from banking to fast-good, aged-care facilities and beyond.  AI systems applications, touchless voice activated kiosks, robots and automated call centres can be located anywhere in the world.

Banking and Finance
The banking and finance sectors have been quick to take up new technologies.  Internet banking, online customer service, ATM machines and AI applications are just a few examples. The result has been a signification reduction of middle-management with one person today able to assume multiple roles that used to be done by other humans in the bank.
AI has also played a role in creating new financial products as the fin-tech industry has exploded.  Artificial intelligence has replaced much of human intelligence. AI and other technology developments have revolutionized banking and the financial sector and thus had a society-wide impact. AI offers many advantages including the reduction of errors, provision of better reporting and enhanced security and fraud detection.

One of the areas already using AI in a major way is that of medicine.  AI plays a growing role in medical research and has achieved significant advances in data analysis.  For consumers, examples include Apple Watch and  Google’s Fitbit, are using health metrics and trends, informing users of their baseline so they can notice anomalies.
AI is also used in pharmaceutical research.  For example, scientists have used AI to find a drug that kills bacteria responsible for drug-resistant infections. It is predicted that AI will dramatically increase the speed and applicability of new drugs.
AI has also played a big role in advancing e-Health initiatives.  Examples include use of remote patient monitoring technology that enables care and diagnosis of patients without them having to go personally to the doctor or hospital. 
Researchers are also developing AI algorithms to help improve early cancer diagnosis as well as assist doctors in making a diagnosis. AI algorithms are useful in finding population health trends, especially in high-risk populations.  An AI ultrasound machine will significantly enhance pre-natal care. Due to a current health care environment that looks more and more at population
Medical education will also change dramatically.  As a tool it will mean that medical students will have to spend less time on memory tasks. AI will serve as an interactive guide to remind them of what they need to know. AI enables real-time feedback and accurate evaluation, and can be used to monitor teaching quality as well as provide real-life virtual simulations that improve skills and enable a rapid accumulation of valuable experience.
AI can assist the doctor in providing a checklist to ensure higher quality and more efficient health care delivery.  An example is AI Obstetrical ultrasounds that can identify known causes and diseases quickly and efficiently. This can free up a physician’s time to confirm a diagnosis and treatment."  Machines do a better job than doctors in reading ultrasounds.  Artificial intelligence-powered medical technologies are growing rapidly and playing an important role in clinical practice. Deep learning algorithms are able to cope with increasing amounts of data provided by wearables, smartphones, and other mobile monitoring sensors in diverse areas of medicine.
In some cases, AI may even come to replace the doctor.  For example, a recent tudy found that  AI-Chatbot’s bedside manner was preferred over conventional doctor. In areas where there are significant doctor and nurse shortages (for instance, Age Care) AI delivered services may help ageing societies cope with the rapidly expanding elderly population and their need for effective health care services.
Rapid advancement and wide uptake of AI will also have a dramatic impact on medical education.  As a tool AI will mean that medical students will have to spend less time on memory tasks. AI will serve as an interactive guide to remind them of what they need to know.
AI will have a profound impact upon all levels of education.  Many schools will embrace it as an additional powerful tool that students can use to enhance their communication and learning.  Students will be able to find new ways of researching and expressing themselves.  AI systems will provide tailored tutoring to help students learn. Students will spend less time on rote learning and memorisation and more on problem solving, analysis and other skills.
Education systems as a whole will be disrupte.  Given the declining standards in many Western countries, this is a good thing.  Because AI systems make available huge amounts of information, this should help promote educational advancement in third-world countries.
After graduation, students will have learned to use AI systems to provide better performance and efficiency on tasks such as research, diagnosis and medical procedures.  The advancement of robotics and AI will bring much needed resources to important areas such as aged care.
The Australian Research Council, in its submission to a House of Representatives committee inquiry into AI and Education,  warned  that presenting AI generated material as an original creation “could undermine the norms around authorship”.  At the same time the ARC points to the fact that AI technology can also provide assistance in writing text by improving readability, conducting literature reviews and improving our ability to cope with and distil an explosion of information.

AI will also have a dramatic impact on transportation. AI applications are already used in traffic management and safety enhancement. AI  is also making self-driving cars and automated pilots a reality—something that will rapidly grow.  A case in point is Toyota Motor Investment Co., GAC Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. and Silicon Valley partner who have announced they are forming a joint venture to advance the mass production and large-scale deployment of fully driverless robot taxis.  GAC Toyota Motor Co, Ltd, headquartered in Guangzhou, China, will provide with Toyota-branded battery electric vehicles.  The vehicles are equipped with Toyota’s vehicle redundant systems that are suitable for L4 autonomous driving development and will also have’s advanced autonomous driving technology. China has announced that it will use AI controlled robots to build its next high-speed railway system.  This development is expected to both reduce costs and enhance safety.
At the same time, it should be noted that, while self-driving vehicles will continue to improve and their use will accelerate, there is still a lot of room for improvement.  For example, it was recently reported that when San Francisco recently expanded capacity to offer robotaxi, Waymo, the city changed their mind for now after a series of mishaps, including driving through a construction site, a breakdown in communication networks that led to them stopping and bloc
king traffic, and passenger injured when taxi failed to yield to a firetruck.

Law firms are already using AI to assist in legal research, in factual investigation, in trial preparation where millions of documents are involved, in drafting, in developing systems for the delivery and use of smart contracts.  The justice system is also using AI more and more. For example, behavioural psychologists and forensics expert use AI to provide insights into understanding and predicting criminal activity and motivations.  Robots are also being used to enhance safety, for example,  a robot named ‘Secret Agent Man’ that roam a shopping mall and can interact with shoppers, notice suspicious activity and contact human security backup when required.
Practical AI applications are being used in some jurisdictions as an aid to set bail, determine sentencing and other applications.   Administrative areas of the law are using AI as an aid to determine status (eg immigration/citizenship) or eligibility in relation to particular statutory regimes.
Some argue that AI systems like ChatGPT can revolutionize and improve the legal profession, for example, by making law more accessible to non-lawyers. Note that while this may be true for relatively simple matters in some legal areas, it is less likely in others.  Thus, contract drafting, basic drafting, copyright and discovery in large cases are more likely to be impacted than actual trial work.

If the world is to meet the challenge of climate change, the role of technology will be critical.  This is yet another area where AI is making a valuable contribution.  AI is used in modelling climate impacts, especially given the reality of so many variables and such large data sets.  For example, AI is being 
used for more accurate weather predictions thus improving our ability to predict natural disasters such as enhanced predictions of earthquakes.
AI assists in maximising the most efficient use of energy across multiple sources:  wind, sun, oil, gas, etc.  AI models are also being used to provide more accurate forecasts of energy demand and thus help promote the most efficient use of energy resources. AI in combination with robotics is also contributing to innovation in our environmental systems and technology advances.  AI powered robots, for example,  are doing a much better job of sorting recyclables.

Military and defence departments around the world have long seen the great potential of AI. For example, the US has successful tested unmanned jets which use AI and machine learning capabilities to both navigation and weapons deployment.  As we are witnessing in the Ukraine conflict, military drones have been highly effective in attacking shipping and other targets.
Another example is the use of AI to create weapons that are far more accurate than traditional weapons. Chinese scientists have collaborated with experts in the Beijing-based China-United Arab Emirates Belt and Road lab to develop the technology, and the U.S. is working toward the same goal. The clear benefit of these weapons would allow China to minimize the amount of arms used in assaults, helping to more efficiently maintain its forces.
AI is also having an impact on military decision making as more and more decision making is being turned over to AI applications.

AI will also have a significant impact on architecture and our food system.  For example, AI research will help develop new types of crops.  With many countries facing an ageing and declining population, AI driven robots can be used to pick fruit with small drone robots with wings and which can appraise the ripeness of fruit—drones that can work 24/7 and never tire.  .  Drones and AI systems will aid in increasing yields by providing just the right amount of nutrients, fertiliser, pesticides, etc.

Personal Relationships
Even personal relationships are being impacted by AI.  People are increasingly using AI algorithms to choose mates.  Robotic AI videos are now more human than ever before even to the point of replacing humans and also to the point of fooling people into believing that they are human.  AI is being deployed in numerous interactions with people, for example AI applications to provide therapy, applications combining robotics and AI to provide company for the elderly and in many customer support applications.

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image 24 Mar 2025

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Importance to Students in the Professions (Part I)


Decades ago it was Internet, then the World Wide Web, then Steve Jobs and the Apple products that would change the world.  Then came he cloud, social media, the Internet-of-Things, block-chain, metaverse, Zoom—the impact of technology continues to make headlines and AI brings all of these together. Over the last few months, the latest buzz concerns artificial intelligence (AI). Not a day goes highlighting either gloom and doom or promises of great things to come.   

As a higher education institute concerned focused on the professions, the general consensus is that every major profession or industry will experience significant, and in many cases transformational, changes as a result of developments in AI. Health care, education, law, accounting, business, communications, transportation, retail, agriculture—all will have to grapple with the impact of AI in seizing its advantages while minimising potential risks. 

What is AI? 

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that uses multiple disciplines including deep and machine learning,  to build smart machines that are able to do complex tasks, including in some cases those that ordinarily would require human intelligence.  

AI comes in two major forms: narrow and general.   

Narrow AI involves the creation of smart machines that can do one task, for example, play chess.  With large data sets and blinding speed and the ability to constantly learn, a chess computer can perform tasks better than any human.  Evidence the defeat of world chess champion Gary Kasparov by ‘Big Blue’.   

General AI (or ‘strong’ AI) involves the creation of smart machines that have a much wider or general application. An example is a robot or an android that looks human and can do a wide range of tasks, only faster, more consistently and smarter than a human. 

AI Potential  and Fears.  Many experts write of the many positives that AI will bring to almost every field of endeavour. Reflecting upon the immense potential of AI Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee wrote in 2018: 

“For more than 250 years the fundamental drivers of economic growth have been technological innovations. The most important of these are what economists call general-purpose technologies — a category that includes the steam engine, electricity, and the internal combustion engine. The most important general-purpose technology of our era is artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning.” 

Most of the fears about AI are about general AI.  At the extremes, some experts think What are the risks to humanity itself when most of the ‘intelligence’ in the world is machine made rather than man-made.  The essence of these concerns is captured by world renown theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, who noted: 

"Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks." - 


AI Issues for students preparing for a career in the professions. 

For students pursing a degree in the major professions, here are just a few of the many issues and topics involved with AI development about which you should have some awareness: 

  • Industrial opportunities and challenges in developing AI 
  • Enhanced data collection, big data analytics/algorithms and ever-increasing application to new areas of human activity. 
  • Understanding society-wide impact in key areas, eg introduction and rapid expansion in use of automated transport 
  • Expanding the application of blockchain technology in providing solutions to multiple industries 
  • The role of AI in the biological sciences and breakthroughs in health informatics 
  • The role of AI in enhancing the productivity and intellectual power of humans 
  • Role of humans in interacting with AI products to ensure they are safe and do what we want 
  • Speech recognition developments to promote universal applications and enhance human-machine interactions 
  • The impact of AI on digital marketing and other business activities 
  • Commercialization challenges and opportunities in relation to AI 
  • Capturing video and incorporating it in AI applications 
  • Machine and deep learning in the next generation of AI applications 
  • How to better define and control the boundaries on AI systems 
  • Growing movement towards singularity and machines approaching and in an increasing number of areas surpassing human intelligence.  
  • Capturing the potential of big data analytics while at the same time dealing with challenges of discrimination and prejudice that can occur 
  • How to build AI to Scale and gain return on investment 
  • Internet of things: use of AI to help build systems in which various technologies are connected and working together to transform organizations and industries. 
  • The impact of robotics and AI on employment.   
  • Education: how do we bridge the talent gap needed to develop this important new area? How can universities, through their research mission, better support the growth and development of this important industry?  How will AI change how education is delivered and to whom? 
  • Geopolitical questions such as regulation across national borders, impact on security, cyber warfare and so on 
  • Challenge of regulation so that AI advances promote industry advancement and at the same time protect important human values such as privacy. 
  • Law as infrastructure: how can a legal framework be put into place that achieves the benefits of AI while at the same time limiting and guarding against potential harms that may result?  How does law, which tends to work on a linear path, keep up with technology which is growing exponentially? 


Above all, today’s students as our future leaders in government, industry, education and all professions must develop a deep understanding of the nature and implications of AI so that they may enable us to have the knowledge to reap its rewards and the wisdom and responsibility to ensure its use for the betterment of humankind and society.  


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image 13 Feb 2025

The Growing Importance of Cybersecurity and Networking in Australia: A Guide for International Students

Rising Demand for Cybersecurity Professionals

Australia is experiencing a rapid digital transformation, with businesses and government agencies increasingly relying on secure networks to protect sensitive data. This shift has led to an urgent need for skilled cybersecurity professionals who can safeguard information systems from cyber threats. With the rise of cyberattacks, including data breaches and ransomware incidents, the Australian government has implemented strict regulations to enhance cybersecurity measures, further fuelling the demand for experts in the field.

The job market for cybersecurity professionals in Australia is thriving, with various industries actively hiring, including banking, healthcare, government, and technology sectors. Organisations are prioritising robust security frameworks to comply with national and international security standards, creating an abundance of opportunities for those skilled in cybersecurity and network protection.

Future Career Opportunities & Salary Expectations

With cybersecurity threats evolving, professionals in this field enjoy strong job security and lucrative career prospects. There is a particularly high demand for specialists in sectors such as banking, healthcare, and technology, where data security is paramount.

· Entry-level positions (e.g., Security Analyst, Network Security Engineer) can expect salaries ranging from AUD 80,000 to AUD 100,000 per year.

· Mid-level roles (e.g., Security Consultant, Cybersecurity Specialist) typically earn between AUD 100,000 and AUD 140,000 annually.

· Senior positions (e.g., Cybersecurity Manager, Chief Information Security Officer) command salaries upwards of AUD 150,000 to AUD 250,000.

For international students, Australia provides pathways to employment through the Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485), allowing graduates to gain work experience and potentially secure employer sponsorship for permanent residency. This makes studying cybersecurity an attractive option for those looking to build a long-term career in Australia.

Why Cybersecurity is a Hot Course for the Future

Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing fields worldwide, with job opportunities expected to expand further due to increasing cyber threats and technological

advancements. In Australia, the government is heavily investing in strengthening its cybersecurity infrastructure, making this field even more critical for national security and business operations.

Globally, there is a significant shortage of cybersecurity professionals, leading to high job security and competitive salaries. Emerging trends such as artificial intelligence (AI) in security, cloud security, and ethical hacking are reshaping the industry, creating exciting opportunities for IT graduates specialising in cybersecurity and networking.

Why Study Cybersecurity & Networking at NAPS?

For international students considering a Bachelor’s or Master’s in IT, NAPS offers programs designed to equip students with industry-relevant, hands-on skills. The programs focuses on:

· Practical Training: Students gain real-world experience through hands-on projects, simulations, and networking labs.

· Industry Connections: NAPS’ Industry Consultative Committee enable it to collaborate with leading tech companies, providing opportunities for internships and job placements in the future.

With the increasing need for cybersecurity professionals, studying Cybersecurity and Networking at NAPS presents an excellent opportunity for international students to secure high-paying jobs and long-term career growth in Australia. The field promises not only job stability but also a chance to work on cutting-edge security solutions in a digital-first world. If you are passionate about IT and security, this is the perfect time to enter the field and contribute to Australia’s cybersecurity landscape.
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image 15 Jan 2025

CRICOS Code Courses Approved: Enroll in NAPS' MBA & Professional Accounting Programs

The National Academy of Professional Studies (NAPS) is thrilled to announce that two of its flagship programs—Master of Business Administration (CRICOS Code: 117338B) and Master of Professional Accounting (CRICOS Code: 117336D)—are now officially CRICOS-approved. This approval ensures these programs meet the highest educational standards required for international students studying in Australia.

What is a CRICOS Code and Why is it Important?

For international students, a CRICOS code is more than just a number—it’s a symbol of trust and recognition. Courses listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) are officially recognized by the Australian Government, ensuring compliance with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act. This means students can be confident they are enrolling in high-quality programs that meet global standards.

Additionally, CRICOS approval is essential for visa eligibility, making it easier for students to embark on their academic journey in Australia.

About the CRICOS-Approved Courses

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

  • CRICOS Code: 117338B
    Designed to empower future leaders, the NAPS MBA program equips students with advanced business strategies, leadership skills, and global perspectives. This program is ideal for students seeking to make a significant impact in industries worldwide.

Master of Professional Accounting

  • CRICOS Code: 117336D
    This program offers a comprehensive curriculum tailored to meet the demands of the global accounting industry. Students gain practical skills and theoretical knowledge to excel in roles such as auditors, financial analysts, or certified accountants.

Why Choose NAPS for Your Studies?

  • CRICOS-Approved Excellence: Assurance of government-recognized education.
  • Student-Centered Approach: NAPS provides personalized support for international students, including career guidance and cultural adjustment programs.
  • Global Career Opportunities: Graduates from these programs are prepared to thrive in competitive industries worldwide.

By choosing NAPS, you’re not just investing in education—you’re investing in your future.

Benefits of CRICOS-Approved Programs

  • Student Visa Eligibility: Enrolling in a CRICOS-approved course ensures your visa application meets Australian Government standards.
  • High Educational Standards: These programs are carefully reviewed and approved for international study.
  • Global Recognition: Earn a degree that is respected worldwide.

How to Apply

Ready to take the next step in your career? Enroll now in one of our CRICOS-approved programs at NAPS!

Here’s how:

  1. Visit our website to explore the programs in detail.
  2. Complete the online application form.
  3. Contact our admissions team for guidance on visa requirements and enrollment procedures.

Start Your Journey Today!

Don’t miss this opportunity to pursue your academic goals with a CRICOS-approved institution. NAPS is committed to providing quality education and fostering a supportive environment for international students.

For more information or to apply, visitNational Academy of Professional Studies (NAPS) or contact us directly.

Make your dream of studying in Australia a reality—enroll at NAPS now!

FAQs: CRICOS-Approved MBA & Professional Accounting Programs

1. What is a CRICOS code?

A CRICOS code is a unique identifier provided to courses and institutions registered to enroll international students in Australia. It ensures that the program meets the Australian Government's quality standards for overseas education.

2. Why is CRICOS approval important for international students?

CRICOS approval ensures the course complies with Australian Government regulations, making it eligible for student visas and guaranteeing high educational standards. It also reassures students of the course's global recognition and credibility.

3. What are the CRICOS codes for these programs?

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA): CRICOS Code 117338B
  • Master of Professional Accounting: CRICOS Code 117336D

4. Who is eligible to apply for these programs?

These programs are designed for both domestic and international students. However, international students must meet academic, English language proficiency, and visa requirements.

5. How do I apply for these CRICOS-approved programs?

You can apply by:

  1. Visiting the NAPS website.
  2. Completing the online application form.
  3. Submitting the required documents (e.g., academic transcripts, English proficiency scores, etc.).
  4. Contacting NAPS admissions for personalized assistance.

6. Are scholarships available for international students?

NAPS offers various scholarships and financial aid options for eligible students. Visit the scholarships page on the NAPS website or contact the admissions office for more details.

7. What career opportunities do these programs provide?

  • The MBA program prepares students for leadership roles in industries such as finance, marketing, and management.
  • The Master of Professional Accounting equips students with skills for roles like accountant, auditor, or financial analyst.

8. Can I work in Australia while studying these programs?

Yes, international students with a valid student visa can work part-time during their studies. Check the Australian Government's guidelines for work hours and conditions.

9. Are these programs globally recognized?

Yes, CRICOS-approved courses are recognized internationally, ensuring your qualifications are valued globally.

10. How can I contact NAPS for more information?

You can reach the NAPS admissions team via email, phone, or by visiting the NAPS website for more details on the programs and application process.

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image 06 Dec 2024

Exploring IT Job Opportunities in Sydney: A Guide for NAPS International Students

Sydney is Australia's leading technology hub, offering a diverse range of opportunities for IT professionals. As an international student at NAPS, your entry into Sydney's IT job market can be full of exciting opportunities if you know where to look and how to prepare. This guide will help you understand the market, find job opportunities, and connect with Sydney's tech community.

  1. Understanding Sydney’s IT Job Market

The IT job market in Sydney is vast and diverse, with opportunities in a variety of fields such as software development, cybersecurity, cloud computing, data analytics, and IT support. Sydney is home to both established tech titans such as Google, Atlassian, and Amazon Web Services, as well as a thriving startup scene centred on AI, fintech, and digital services.

Programming (Python, Java, and SQL), cloud solutions, data science, cybersecurity, and DevOps are all highly sought-after skills. Entry-level positions are typically available to students who can demonstrate strong technical skills and adaptability.

  1. Top Job Search Platforms

The following job search platforms are widely used in Australia and offer numerous opportunities in IT:

  • Seek ( Australia’s leading job site, with a wide range of IT roles.
  • Indeed ( Known for both full-time and contract positions across various experience levels.
  • LinkedIn: Allows you to connect directly with recruiters, join industry-specific groups, and apply for roles at top companies.
  • GradConnection: Aimed at graduates, this site offers entry-level IT jobs and internships ideal for building practical experience.
  • Australia’s Jobactive ( Government-supported job site with roles suitable for recent graduates and those with work restrictions.

Encourage students to set up job alerts on these platforms to receive updates on new job openings.

  1. Networking Opportunities in Sydney’s Tech Community

In Sydney's cutthroat job market, networking is essential to success. Making connections with experts and going to events as an international student can provide you with insightful information and potentially lead to career referrals.

Popular networking events include:

  • Sydney Tech Meetup and Startup Grind Sydney: Monthly meetups for technology professionals, offering insights into the latest tech trends.
  • AWS Summit Sydney and Data Science Melbourne/Sydney: Larger annual conferences focused on cloud computing and data science, where you can connect with industry experts.
  • General Assembly and Fishburners: These coworking spaces and educational hubs offer regular workshops, hackathons, and networking events focused on tech.

Joining online communities through platforms like Slack (e.g., Sydney Startups) or Discord is another effective way to network from anywhere.

  1. Working with Recruitment Agencies

Several recruitment agencies specialize in IT placements in Sydney, and connecting with a recruiter can streamline your job search. Notable agencies include:

  • Peoplebank
  • Michael Page Technology
  • Hays IT
  • Robert Walters Technology

These agencies often have access to exclusive job openings and can help you prepare for interviews and assessments, so it’s worth establishing a professional connection with them.

  1. Building a Stand-Out Resume and Interview Skills

In Australia, resumes are usually straightforward and focused on measurable achievements. Highlight technical skills, specific projects you’ve worked on, and any practical experience relevant to the role you’re applying for.

Key Tips:

  • Use bullet points to list responsibilities and achievements for each position, focusing on quantifiable results (e.g., “Developed a Python script that reduced data processing time by 40%”).
  • Be prepared for behavioral interview questions, as Australian employers often prioritize soft skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability.
  • Research the company culture and demonstrate an understanding of their values in your application.

  1. Support and Resources for International Students

Keep in mind that NAPS provides career resources to assist you as you begin your job search. Additionally, websites like Fair Work Australia and Study Australia can be excellent resources for learning about work conditions and visa regulations, and the Fair Work Ombudsman offers helpful information on your rights at work.

Final Words

Breaking into Sydney’s IT market is achievable with persistence, preparation, and networking. You'll be well-equipped to thrive in the local employment market if you make use of these tools, maintain your skills, and network with Sydney's IT community.

I wish you well as you navigate the dynamic IT world of Australia!

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image 08 Nov 2024

NAPS International Student Caps and Updates

In response to proposed legislation that would limit international student enrolments, NAPS is carefully evaluating how such changes might impact our institution and community. NAPS remains firmly opposed to these caps, recognising the invaluable contributions international students make to the social, intellectual, and cultural vibrancy of our campuses and cities. Our commitment to welcoming international students and providing a world-class education remains steadfast. We will continue to seek and support talented students from around the globe and encourage prospective international students to apply.

Importantly, these proposed caps do not currently affect students already enrolled in our graduate programmes or those pursuing an undergraduate degree who plan to continue directly into our graduate programmes.

We will keep this page updated with the latest developments regarding the proposed legislation. Please check back regularly for new information.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the international student cap at NAPS, and why has it been implemented?

An international student cap is a limit on the number of international students that can enrol in a higher education institution. In Australia, the government has announced that the cap for 2025 will be 270,000 for all new international students except for a few exempt cases.

NAPS aims to maintain a balanced, high-quality learning environment. By implementing the caps on international student enrolments, we will ensure access to resources and support services for all students, fostering a diverse and sustainable academic community.


2. How will these changes impact my application to NAPS?

While NAPS remains open to international applications, students may experience increased competitiveness during the admissions process. We encourage applicants to complete their applications early to secure a spot in NAPS.


3. Are there any priority admissions criteria for international students?

 NAPS assesses all applicants holistically, but students with higher academic achievements, English proficiency, and alignment with NAPS’s values may have an advantage. Specific guidelines can be found on our admissions page.


4. How will current students be affected by the cap?

The cap will not affect current NAPS students’ status. However, some adjustments in class sizes and availability of elective courses may occur. NAPS remains dedicated to offering all students a robust educational experience.


5. What support services are available for international students impacted by these changes?

NAPS offers a wide range of support services, including academic counselling, and mental health resources, to ensure that all students can thrive in their academic journey.


6. I have an offer to NAPS for 2025. What should I do?

If you have an unconditional offer for Semester 1, 2025, we strongly encourage you to accept it to secure your place. For students with a conditional offer for Semester 1, 2025, we recommend meeting any outstanding conditions as soon as possible and then proceeding to accept the offer.

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NAPS will continue monitoring government policies and the needs of our student body. We encourage students and agents to refer to this page regularly for the latest updates.

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